Let’s face it, today’s challenging economy can be very stressful for seniors or those who are rapidly approaching their golden years. I know my clients are looking for ways to [...]
In another sign that the U.S. corporate tax code is in need of serious reform, comes this article from Business Insider. In what appears to be a growing trend, U.S. companies are changing their [...]
This ruling by the U.S. Tax Court is being called a game changer for the approximately 50 million U.S. households that own individual retirement accounts. The court recently declared that the [...]
If you’re in the process of moving, you’re probably juggling a lot of tasks, including worrying about the potentially high costs. Here are five tips for saving when relocating. Continue reading.
By Steve Barlotta, CPA Sticker shock can be defined as disgust, shock, or fright upon learning the price of an item offered for sale. Well, many upper-income taxpayers experienced something very [...]
Tax time is tough, there’s no question about it, but it’s even more challenging when you’re self-employed and trying to deal with the sometimes confusing rules and recordkeeping that can go [...]
In a recent survey, 36% of U.S. adults said they provided unpaid care for an adult relative or friend in the past year. This figure is only expected to keep growing significantly in the next ten [...]
Starting in 2014, individuals who fail to maintain minimum essential health care coverage for themselves and their dependents will be fined. However, it seems that this penalty lacks teeth. [...]
Over the past twelve months or so I have discussed in my blog all of the different tax increases that went into effect for 2013. Considering the myriad of new tax laws, it’s quite difficult [...]
Are you upset that the Jets and Giants didn’t make the super bowl this year? How about scoring a victory by renting out your home for the big weekend? Wouldn’t it be nice to get five [...]